Sunday, November 23, 2014


   Throughout the world, drugs and alcohol are a present factor in many teenager's lives. In Looking for Alaska, drugs and alcohol are everywhere. It seems as though every character besides Miles has ben an avid drug user or heavy binge drinker for a good amount of time. When Miles arrives at Culver Creek he had never done any types of drugs or even taken a sip of alcohol. Well that all changed when he met Alaska. 
    Miles is introduced to cigarettes and quickly becomes addicted even though he is under the age of 18. Culver Creek has strict rules against smoking but Miles and his friends don't seem to care about the rules. Cigarettes are a minor factor in the drugs and alcohol in the book though. The biggest factor is alcohol. Miles, Chip, and Alaska all drink to excess to the point where they pass out or even get sick. Alaska reveals that she drinks so heavily to help with the pain she feels remembering her childhood and when she drinks to excess she gets out of control.
    Drinking and driving is a serious problem not only in the book but in reality as well. People don't make the smartest decisions when they've been drinking and in Looking for Alaska it causes serious problems. 
    One night, the group of friends had been drinking and Alaska as usual got out of hand and very upset for some reason. Her and Miles got into an argument and she stormed away. Miles had a feeling he should have stopped her from leaving but didn't. Alaska got into her car and tried to drive... She crashed and it killed her immediately. 
    With teenagers using drugs and alcohol so causally, the result is never something positive. Drugs and alcohol and also drinking and driving are things that need to be taken very seriously so teen readers of this book can understand their consequences. 

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